The Emerde Project


  Emerde 1.2.7 Beta release
		     [[[ Emerde 1.2.7 "BETA" release ]]]
		:: Ultimate packages solution for Slackware ::

Emerde is the port of Gentoo's portage system that installs, removes, updates, 
maintains your system rapidly and easily. Furthermore on Slackware distribution it 
cooperates with the Slackware's db and allows to install .tgz files directly, using
dependences checking.

If you want to port it for other distros follow the instructions at the end of the README.

You can do whatever you want to do with Emerde, feel free to use it
on your own.

please report any bug to the mailinglist or if you wish to

To install Emerde read the INSTALL file.
To upgrade your slackware-emerde distro read SLACK-UPGRADE

***** What's more in Emerde

These are the additional features added in emerde:
invulnerable:	Updates all the packages which have suid binaries.
		Slackware configuration file updates handler.
quicksearch:	The cp_all function in Emerde is rewritten to use /var/cadb, there's a 
		significant improvement in all the functions that use cp_all (--search, 
		sync, update cache etc...)
skipit:		Emerde allows you to skip to the next merge with the SIGINT signal or by 
		pressing CTRL+c.
Compilation resume:
		Emerde resumes an interrupted or aborted compilation without rebuild
		the pkg and restart the compilation.
LAN-sync:	The syncing of the portage can be done using another machine that had 
		already done it. See ACTION:sync in the emerge(1) man page.
		Emerde matches the search string against the contents field. The pkg's 
	 	contents field  contains  a  list  of files  and  directories  installed.
		This  option is useful to know to what pkg a file or a directory belong.
--showcontents: This option is the same as the --search one execpt that it shows  all the
		contents file of the searched packages.
		It filter only installed pkg in the search result.
buildworld:	Rebuilds or updates the "world" file (/var/cache/edb/world)
sync-cat:	Sync a desidered category or package with the gentoo repository.
por2pkg:	por2pkg converts entries in the portage's db to Slack's db entries.
pkg2por:	pkg2por converts entries in the Slack's db to portage's db entries.
pordbcheck:	Checks if the programs listed in the portage's db are really installed.
initd-cfg:	/etc/init.d editor.

To know how to use the various utilities and features see also the readmes in doc/
and the relatives man pages:
emerge(1), por2pkg(1), pkg2por(1), buildworld(1), update-emerde(1), pordbcheck(1),
initd-cfg(1), rc.emerde(1), invulnerable(1), slack-etc-update(1), sync-cat(1).

***** Porting Emerde to other distros

  If you want to port Emerde into other system you must have all the packages of your
  system updated (Glibc 2.3.2, Gcc 3.2.3, etc...) then you want to reflect the system
  configuration editing the conf files that the install script shows to you.
  Then run " --noslack", follow the install instructions,
  cross your fingers and Enjoy it! (^_^)

Note: You must have python major to 2.2.1 installed in your system.
    : Emerde in this moment was tested in Slack 9.1/9.0, Mandrake, Redhat 8.0/9.0 and fedora
    : linux so if you successfull port it to other system let us know
Slack 9.0 note: You have to update coreutils
# wget
# installpkg coreutils-5.0-i486-4.tgz
***** Where to find us

  Subscrive to the emerde mailing list:

  IRCnet: #emerde

Emerde is ported by:

Andrea Lo Pumo  aka  AlpT 

Big thx:
Freaknet  Medialab	  
Poetry Hacklab		  
SheZZan (Beta tester), Ram (Cavia, Web site creator), Crash` (miracle man, 
great inspirer) Asbesto (Ruutting, Cibo, and Gentoo tester) and all the Fr3akNet.
ram at